Email Consulting for

your Biz + Brand

I research your competition, your customers, and measure numbers from your followers, subscribers, and website traffic, then build a cohesive look and feel for your content. I hand everything off to you via email, DropBox, or Google Drive. You implement and execute according to your own whims 'n aims.


  • 1 360° Biz Data Guide (full-tilt s.e.o. report indicating where + how your biz is showing up online);

  • 1 Canva-Based Branding Kit (a starter-pack of templates + graphics for email and social media, alongside logo ideas, a color palette, + font pairings);

  • 1 Canva Content Calendar (plugged in with social media templates + copy);

  • 1 Resource Folder (containing images, tutorials, custom materials to help with implementing the info, and assets I’m passing off to you).

How it works

  • First, you request an email consult.

    I’ll reply with an invoice for your payment, along with an agreement you can initial. This email will also contain an “intro”, a timeline, and notes about what to expect.

    Note that deposit is required at time of requesting an email consult.

  • Next, you'll fill out a questionnaire, submit materials, and take a “brand quiz”.

    I’ll follow-up pretty soon with another email. This message will include links to a questionnaire in that email, as well as to a form where you can submit links to your website(s), socials, and listings, along with any existing branding materials or guidelines. You’ll also be linked to a password protected page containing a super-cool “brand quiz” that will help start me off on your brand revamp.

  • I’ll run your report, build your new assets, AND compile resources, and then email it over to you!

    I’ll email you, as well as transfer all your new swag and tools via whatever method you indicated on your intake form (Google Drive, DropBox, etc.). I’ll also attach a PDF guide that fully explains my report, which will include tutorials for helping you implement my suggestions. Often, I’ll include a Loom video, voice recording, and/or brief slideshow—the format depends on what I’m recommending, and the “tech comfort level” you indicated on your original intake form.

  • After that, I’ll send another email...

    …this time summarizing my recommendations in a bulleted list, and also linking you to a private pricing page and scheduler. These will have my price-adjusted hourly rates and packaged services—adjusted to give you a fair deal, if you realize you really need or want me to do something on your behalf.

  • SEO website (or landing page) re-optimization according to results of your visibility report. This includes entering optimal keywords into the back panel of your website, activating (or re-optimizing) your Google Business Profile, and re-assessing the content on your website pages.

    Typically starting @ $400 for a single page, but save $275 with an email consult.

  • Lead magnet (or “freebie”) creation to be wired into your existing blog posts (or website pages). Use for seducing new subscribers onto your email list. Can include email marketing service set up, and newsletter starter series OR re-engagement campaign: promote a new product, launch a new service, or re-boot your biz.

    Typically starts @ $450, save up to 50% with an email consult (price adjusted according to specific needs).

  • Don’t have a blog…? You can add-on my Blog Starter Series and receive three original, evergreen, + fully optimized blog posts, including premium images + captions for sharing on your biz socials. Each blog post can also be wired up with a new or re-vamped lead magnet (or “freebie”) for converting website lookie-loo’s into new email subscribers.

    Typically starts @ $2,500, but price is adjusted to reflect email consult (adjustment based on content plan).

  • I perform the assessment and develop a (re)branding guide, but also go into your website, socials, and/or email service provider, etc., to implement my recommendations.

    My hourly typically starts @ $40/hour, but can be adjusted to $25/hour with an email consult.

Potential Add On’s


  • Basically, email consulting is 100% virtual. There’s no live meeting or follow-ups, no portal housing your materials, and no on-going support while I help build or rebrand your online platforms. I would recommend an email consult if you just need a “check-up” since having your website fully optimized, or if you want a little creative direction, and I’d recommend my 8-week consulting for if you want a little guidance before a launch or marketing campaign. Of course, you can cherry-pick from my other services as an add-on, but ultimately, you choose when and how to execute.

  • Since you already ordered the consult, you’ll be able to hire me at a reduced hourly rate if you just need a few things inputted here-there, or add-on one of my other packaged services for a negotiated fee. I’ll email a link to my “adjusted” pricing when I deliver your consult and assets.

  • Usually, it takes about 3 weeks from the day you request a an email consult to the day I transfer everything over to you. HINT: the sooner you can submit the requested links and materials to me (and complete the brand quiz), the faster my turnaround. I’ll reach out to you as soon as I realize there might be any kind of delay in final delivery.

  • Once I receive your request for an email consult, I’ll follow up via email with your first invoice and an agreement you can sign electronically. The first invoice is half ($240) of the total cost ($480). I’ll email you the invoice for the other half of the cost when I link you to my private pricing page and scheduler.

    NOTE: I do offer payment plans! Instead of two invoices, I can split the cost into 3 or more. Reach out to me through email if you’re interested in a consult, but wanting to break up the cost.

Don’t see your Q?
Email it to me

Ready to drop it into gear…?

Still not sure if this is what you need?

Book a chat with me, and we’ll figure out which of my services will get you where you need to go.